Consultation is open on our Business Plan 2025-26 and 5-year Corporate Strategy and we want to hear from you about our plans to deliver an efficient and effective Ombudsman.

Take part today.

Resident Panel accessibility statement

Ways that we are making our communication accessible for the Resident Panel.

Our communication to you

Communication with the Resident Panel is via email. We use a secure mailing system which provides an option to view mailings in your web browser to use with assistive technologies. We will always try to use jargon-free language and explain things in a way that is easy to understand.

We are not able to provide phone calls as a communication channel to Resident Panel members. If you need assistance with any of the emails you receive, please email or contact us.

Contact us

When you applied to join the Resident Panel, we asked if you might need an adjustment to help participate. You can request a change in the way we communicate with you at any time during your membership of the Resident Panel.

We review all requests for reasonable adjustments in the way we communicate in line with our Reasonable Adjustment policy.

Reasonable adjustments policy

Website accessibility

The Housing Ombudsman website is supported by the digital inclusion tool ReachDeck. ReachDeck is there to make our content accessible and usable for everyone. To activate the tool, you can select the accessibility icon from the bottom left of your screen. This will add a toolbar to the top of your screen where you can select a range of options from translation services to screen masks and audio.

More information about the accessibility of our website can be found in our accessibility statement.

Website accessibility statement

We use a platform called EngagementHQ to host surveys and consultations. We work closely with the website team to make the software accessible to everyone. The site has their own accessibility statement.


Zoom guidance

We use Zoom as the platform to host online meetings. This is because Zoom is free, easy to use and accessible from most devices.

Zoom also allows us to turn on a chat transcript which provides subtitles when speakers are talking. We can also use the app to allocate members to breakout rooms for smaller group discussions.

If you have not used Zoom before or would like to follow a guide before joining meetings, we have created guidance for Panel members to follow.

Zoom and meeting guidance


During our meetings, we will often share presentations to enhance learning and understanding of the topics being discussed.

We understand that presentations can present challenges for different audiences. To make sure the slides we present can be used by everyone we will always use:

  • large font
  • clear headings
  • accessible colours

In addition to this, the speaker will speak slowly and clearly, and you will have the options to switch on captions if you wish to read the dialogue.

After every meeting, the presentation will be sent to all panel members.

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