Consultation is open on our Business Plan 2025-26 and 5-year Corporate Strategy and we want to hear from you about our plans to deliver an efficient and effective Ombudsman.

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Resident Panel acceptable use

An opportunity to be heard

We want a panel where residents feel able to share their experiences and opinion to feel heard, understood and respected. The Housing Ombudsman Service works hard to be open, transparent and accessible to everyone in everything we do, and our Resident Panel is an example of that. 

We understand that housing can be a sensitive topic. If there are, or have been, issues in your home or your landlord has not provided the service expected of it, conversations may become emotional or distressing.  

Every member of the panel has the right to feel heard and respected, and we want to ensure this is the experience for everyone. 

As a Resident Panel member, it is expected that you will: 

  • raise your ‘virtual hand’ or use the chat function to ask a question to the main group 
  • allow all members opportunity to take part in discussions when in breakout sessions and in smaller focus groups 
  • respect individual opinions  
  • not interrupt or talk over speakers or other members when they are talking 
  • stick to the topic/s of discussion to get the most of each session or meeting 

Unacceptable behaviour

Occasionally, the behaviour or actions of individuals that use our service make it difficult for us to help or continue engagement. In some cases, the actions of individuals become unacceptable because they involve abuse of our staff or our processes. 

We understand that sometimes you can feel upset or angry about an issue, however, if that anger or frustration escalates into aggression towards the Housing Ombudsman team or other members, we consider that unacceptable. Any abuse or unacceptable language towards staff will not be tolerated. This may be: 

  • making unreasonable or repeated demands of the service 
  • aggressive, abusive, offensive, patronising or disrespectful language towards the team or other members of the panel 
  • not allowing other members or speakers to talk during sessions  

If a member demonstrates behaviour we believe to be unacceptable, we will act in line with our managed behaviour policy. If this behaviour continues, we may consider removing you as a member of the panel or taking more formal action.  

Online activity

Social media is an environment where individuals interact to share information and experiences, exchange views and opinions, develop ideas, learn and have fun. We want panel members to feel able to share their experience as a member on their online platforms. However, social media channels can also be a place where harassment and threats are made towards organisations and individuals.

We take the online safety of our staff very seriously. Any threats, offensive language towards the service is taken seriously and we will take formal action if necessary. 


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