Consultation is open on our Business Plan 2025-26 and 5-year Corporate Strategy and we want to hear from you about our plans to deliver an efficient and effective Ombudsman.

Take part today.

Continue the complaint I started but did not complete

If you selected ‘save for later’ on the webform, you will have received an email with a link to re-access the form.

How to access an existing complaint form

To continue a saved complaint form, you will need to use the unique weblink which was sent to the email address provided on the complaint form.  

The link is valid for 14 days. If you do not complete and submit the saved form within 14 days, the information provided will be deleted and you will be required to start a new form. 

We are unable to resend the email containing your unique link as it is automatically generated when you save the form for later.  

If you do not have the email containing the link you will need to start a new online complaint form.  

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.