Consultation is open on our Business Plan 2025-26 and 5-year Corporate Strategy and we want to hear from you about our plans to deliver an efficient and effective Ombudsman.

Take part today.

Severe maladministration findings

We published our first report on findings of severe maladministration in 2019-20, and now highlight individual cases on an ongoing basis through the year.

Earlier publications


We have a wide range of reports available from Spotlight reports that look at thematic issues to special investigations into specific landlords' failings and our quarterly Insight and Complaint Handling Failure Order reports. 

Spotlight reports

Our Spotlight reports concentrate on an area of service provision that we see high amount of failure in through our casework. They examine the issues within this theme and set out recommendations.

Spotlight reports (opens in a new tab)

Special investigation reports

Our special reports follow an investigation carried out under paragraph 49 of the Housing Ombudsman Scheme, which allows the Ombudsman to conduct further investigations beyond an individual complaint to establish whether any presenting evidence is indicative of a systemic failing.

Special investigation reports (opens in a new tab)

Wider order reports

We have gained new powers to issue wider orders under the Social Housing Regulation Act, allowing us to not only address individual complaints from a landlord, but also extend fairness and protection to wider residents.

Independent reports (opens in a new tab)

Insight reports

Our Insight reports provide insight into our complaints data, a selection of valuable case studies and key learning points and recommendations for the sector.

Their aim is to help landlords to make improvements and deliver better services for residents.

Insight reports (opens in a new tab)

Quarterly complaint handling reports

Complaint Handling Failure Orders are issued in relation to failings in an individual case where we have taken reasonable steps to seek engagement from a landlord, but the resident remains unable to progress a complaint.

Quarterly complaint handling reports (opens in a new tab)

Landlord performance data

Landlord performance data

Our 2023-24 individual landlord performance reports have been published for landlords with 5 or more findings determined between 1 April 2023 and March 2024.

Landlord performance reports (opens in a new tab)

Annual Complaints Review reports

The Annual Complaints Review reports provides an overview of the complaints handled in the housing sector each year to promote accountability and transparency.

Annual Complaints Review reports (opens in a new tab)

Landlord complaint statistics

Every quarter we publish landlord statistics giving a snapshot of what we're seeing in complaints.

Landlord complaint statistics (opens in a new tab)
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