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Learning from severe maladministration webinar recordings

Learning from severe maladministration webinars

View the Housing Ombudsman Service and guest landlords discuss learning and actions after findings of severe maladministration.

The Centre for Learning dicuss the steps taken since the Ombudsman's finding of severe maladministration and what the landlord's are doing to put things right.

As the number of severe maladministration cases rise, we are concerned landlords could switch off to the severity of the detriment these issues cause residents and the significant amount of learning that each case has within it. Within most cases, there are multiple opportunities to make things right and rebuild trust with the resident. But too often these opportunities are missed, or landlords feel the issue has gone on too long and therefore let it drift further.


Learning from severe maladministration webinar with A2Dominion

This webinar is hosted by the Centre for learning with A2Dominion.

As part of this new webinar series, the landlord discusses a recent severe maladministration finding received from the Housing Ombudsman for damp and mould.

View the A2Dominion webinar slides (PDF) (opens in a new tab)


Learning from severe maladministration webinar with Torus

This webinar is hosted by the Centre for Learning with Torus.

Torus share their learning and discuss the steps taken since the Ombudsman's finding of severe maladministration, including its proactive and robust response to the changes it needed to make.

View the Torus webinar slides (PDF) (opens in a new tab)


Learning from severe maladministration webinar with Trident Group

This webinar is hosted by the Centre for Learning with Trident Group.

During this session Helen Litherland, Executive Director of Housing, Care and Support at Trident Group, shared the failure of the landlord's services, what it didn't get right for its resident and the impact this had.

View the recording on YouTube (opens in a new tab)
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