Landlord complaint statistics
What are landlord complaint statistics?
Every quarter we publish landlord statistics giving a snapshot of what we are seeing in complaints.
For a full year update on these figures, please see our Annual Complaints Review.
Please note that this data may be subject to change. The verified data that we publish on an annual basis in our Annual Complaints Review can be found online.
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Q1 quarterly data
In this quarter, from April to June 2024, we made 1,807 determinations.
Q1 quarterly data
In this quarter, from April to June 2023, we made 1,284 determinations – this represents a 69% increase on the previous quarter.
Q2 quarterly data
In this quarter, from July to September 2023, we made 1,302 determinations.
Q3 quarterly data
In this quarter, from October to December 2023, we made 1,212 determinations.
Q4 quarterly data
In this quarter, from January to March 2024, we made 1,662 determinations.
Q4 quarterly data
In this quarter, from January to March 2023, we received 11,205 complaints and enquiries – this represents a 38% increase on the previous quarter.
Other reports
Spotlight reports
Our Spotlight reports concentrate on an area of service provision that we see high amount of failure in through our casework.
Special investigation reports
Our special reports follow an investigation carried out under paragraph 49 (P49) of the Housing Ombudsman Scheme.
Quarterly complaint handling reports
We publish quarterly reports on the Complaint Handling Failure Orders (also known as CHFOs) that we have issued to landlords.
Insight reports
Our Insight reports provide insight into our complaints data, a selection of valuable case studies and key learning points and recommendations for the sector.