The investigation pathways match the case type with the most suitable caseworker by considering the complexity of the case, the subject matter and the sensitivity of the case.
Type A cases
Type A cases are investigated by investigators. Type A cases will typically be less complex cases with less information available and fewer complaint factors.
Sigma type A cases
Sigma type A cases are the least complex cases. These will typically only have one complaint factor. These cases will be subject to internal quality checks prior to issuing determinations.
Type B and type C cases
Type B and Type C cases are investigated by adjudicators. This includes bank adjudicators. Type C cases will include the most complex cases. These could be cases with multiple complaint factors, significant legal issues and/or cases which have not previously been investigated by HOS. Adjudicators working on type C cases may also need to work more closely with the Ombudsman to develop their determinations.
Type B mediation cases
These are investigated by dedicated mediation adjudicators.