
Landlord forum for landlords with less than 1000 homes

We are pleased to invite housing professionals from landlords with less than 1000 homes to join us for an insightful and interactive online experience. This is your chance to hear the latest updates from the Ombudsman’s team, share ideas, and learn about the work of the Ombudsman and how we make decisions.  

Event Details 

  • Date: Thursday 1 May 2025 
  • Time: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM 

Why attend? 

During the landlord forums you will: 

  • hear the latest updates directly from the Ombudsman team, keeping you at the forefront of housing regulations and practices 
  • discuss pressing issues such as repairs, damp and mould, and contribute your ideas and experiences 
  • network with other housing professionals, broadening your connections and sharing best practices 

Date: 1 May 2025

Time: 11:00-13:00


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