Landlords can now complete the Complaint Handling Code Annual Submissions form. More information is available online.


All our decisions are published here as part of our commitment to being open and transparent. The decisions are anonymised so residents’ names are not used, but landlords are named. The decisions date from December 2020 and are published three months after the final decision date. In some cases we may decide not to publish a decision if it is not in the resident’s or landlord’s interest or the resident’s anonymity may be compromised. You can read more in our guidance on decisions.


Birmingham City Council (202007866)

The complaint concerns the following: Liability for rent arrears relating to an overpayment of Housing Benefit. Repair to a radiator in the bedroom of the property.

Harrow Council (202113373)

The resident brought several complaints concerning the provision, condition and management of temporary accommodation offered by the council. The resident raised issues relating to: The condition of properties offered to them. The suitability of properties offered to them. The council’s handling of repairs at these properties. Damage caused to the resident’s belongings that they state was caused by damp and mould. The overall service provided by the council and the conduct of its contractors.

Kingston upon Thames Council (202112834)

The complaint concerns several issues relating to the provision and management of temporary accommodation provided by the local authority. Specifically, that The property was in a poor condition when allocated to the resident and required significant repairs, which the resident states rendered it uninhabitable. That the resident’s housing requests have been handled poorly. That the condition of the property and handling of the resident’s housing requests has had an adverse affect on their health and the health of their family.

Leicester City Council (202016164)

The complaint concerns the landlord's response to reports of: rubbish being left in communal areas and fly tipping. a mice infestation in the block.

Newlon Housing Trust (202002899)

The complaint is about: The landlords handling of the resident’s reports of outstanding repairs. The landlords handling of the resident’s reports of high energy bills. The landlord’s complaint handling with regards to these matters.

Orbit Housing Association Limited (202113001)

The complaint concerns the landlords handling of reports that the resident’s bicycles were stolen, specifically that: The landlord has not provided adequate security for the property and is therefore liable for the resident’s loss. The landlord delayed in providing information to the police, and therefore hindered the ability of the police to investigate the theft.