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Hammersmith and Fulham Council (202001827)

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COMPLAINT 202001827

Hammersmith and Fulham Council

29 January 2021


Our approach

Under our early resolution process, the Ombudsman works with the resident and landlord to explore the issues in dispute, identify the matters that remain outstanding and assist in reaching an agreed settlement.

The complaint

  1. The resident complained about the landlord’s response to reports of mould at the property.

Determination (decision)

  1. In accordance with paragraph 55 (c) of the Housing Ombudsman Scheme, the landlord has made an offer of redress to the complainant which, in the Ombudsman’s opinion, resolves the complaint satisfactorily.

How the complaint was resolved

  1. The resident complained to the landlord about the way it dealt the mould they reported was in the property.
  2. The landlord issued its final response to the complaint on 29 April 2020. It acknowledged that there had been delays in it addressing the mould and offered the resident £250 compensation for this. The landlord said it found that the mould was associated with condensation and agreed to install an air vent to address this issue.
  3. The complaint was referred to this Service, by the resident’s representative, on 9 June 2020. The resident remained unhappy with the level of compensation the landlord had offered and, disputed the landlord’s findings regarding the cause of the mould. The resident said that in addition to installing the vent, they would like the landlord to increase the compensation offered, to resolve their complaint.
  4. This Service contacted the landlord on 13 August 2020, with details about the residents outstanding issues from the complaint and the outcomes they sought as a resolution.
  5. The landlord confirmed it would take part in our mediation process, offered the resident £600 compensation and said it would install the air vent, as agreed in the complaint response.
  6. On the 2 November 2020, the resident’s representative wrote to this Service and confirmed that resident had received the £600 compensation and was satisfied this, as well as the landlord’s commitment to install the vent, was sufficient to resolve their complaint.
  7. Paragraph 55 (c) of the Housing Ombudsman Scheme states that:
    1. At any time, the Ombudsman may determine the investigation of a complaint immediately if satisfied that the member has made an offer of redress following the Ombudsman’s intervention which, in the Ombudsman’s opinion, resolves the complaint satisfactorily. This will result in a finding of ‘resolved with intervention’.
  8. I am therefore satisfied, following the intervention of this Service, that the landlord has now taken actions to remedy the matters raised which resolve the complaint satisfactorily.




  1. If the landlord has not already completed the works to install the air vent, it should contact the resident with an appointment date for the works.

The Ombudsman accepts that, because of the present restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic, the completion of the works to install the vent may depend on what is reasonable in the light of Government guidance regarding the health of the resident and of the landlord’s staff. Therefore, we recommend that, if the landlord has not completed the works, once restrictions which affect its repairs service are lifted, the landlord contact the resident within three weeks with an appointment date for the air vent to be installed.

If the landlord has already completed the works, please confirm to this Service.




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