Consultation is open on our Business Plan 2025-26 and 5-year Corporate Strategy and we want to hear from you about our plans to deliver an efficient and effective Ombudsman.

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Noise complaints Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

About noise complaints

A noise complaint is a grievance about excessive, disturbing or unreasonable noise coming from a neighbouring property.

Noise complaints can affect people's quality of life, causing physical and emotional stress, sleep disturbance, and a decrease in concentration levels. 

Noise costs; it costs individuals their mental health and well-being and it costs landlords in protracted and often futile interventions, multi-agency liaison and staff morale. These costs are underestimated and may be avoidable, to some extent, by adopting the different approaches.

What is a noise complaint?

Recommendations from the Spotlight on noise complaints report

Good practice noise examples

Neighbourhood management policy

Responding to noise complaints

Noise apps

Follow up on the Spotlight on noise complaints report

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