Key topics
Explore the range of information available on the key topics that the Housing Ombudsman sees in our case work.
On this page
- Complaint handling
- Antisocial Behaviour (ASB)
- Knowledge and Information Management (KIM)
- Our orders
- Damp and mould
- Attitudes, respect and rights
- Noise complaints
- Member Responsible for Complaints (MRC)
- Pests
- Investigation
- Window-related complaints
- Leaseholder complaints
- Shared Ownership
- Service charges
- Decants
Complaint handling
The Complaint Handling Code became statutory in April 2024, and it has never been more important to understand what good complaint handling is.
Find a range of learning materials and resources on complaint handling on this key topic page.
Antisocial Behaviour (ASB)
Complaints related to Antisocial Behaviour (ASB) is the third most complained about topic seen in our casework.
Explore the Ombudsman's reports, case studies and guidance to gain insight into how landlords and residents should manage reports of ASB effectively.
Knowledge and Information Management (KIM)
Effective Knowledge and Information Management (KIM) is a challenging issue for landlords.
Discover guidance, spotlight reports, and training options to help you understand this key topic.
Our orders
This key topic page explores the variety of orders that we make to put things right.
Find out about compensation, ordering a repair to be undertaken or a survey to be completed, as well as apologies and reviews of policy.
Damp and mould
Damp and mould is a reoccurring issue that continually arises in our case work.
Residents and landlords can use this page to find out more about this key topic including guidance, spotlight reports, and training options for landlords.
Attitudes, respect and rights
Poor communication is often the root cause of housing complaints, eroding trust and leading to escalating issues.
Discover guidance, spotlight reports, and training options to help you understand this key topic.
Noise complaints
Noise complaints are a common issue that residents and landlords face in their daily lives.
Explore guidance, spotlight reports, and training options for landlords and residents to help you navigate through this key topic.
Member Responsible for Complaints (MRC)
The Complaint Handling Code requires landlords to have a Member Responsible for Complaints (MRC) on their governing body to provide assurance to the governing body on the effectiveness of its complaints system.
Find out more about the importance of the role and who should be the MRC within your organisation.
Pest infestation
Pest infestation can be extremely distressing for residents and of significant difficulty for landlords to resolve.
Discover guidance and case studies to help you understand this key topic.
This key topic page explores the Ombudsmans approach to dispute resolution and investigating complaints.
Explore training modules, guidance documents, and special investigation reports to gain insight into our casework and learn from best practice examples.
Window-related complaints
This key topic page explores the Ombudsman’s open letter to landlords raising concerns about the handling of window-related complaints in the sector.
Find out more about window-related complaints, and the expectations the Ombudsman has set ahead of its coming report.
Leaseholder complaints
This key topic page explores the Ombudsmans approach to investigating leaseholder complaints.
Explore the Ombudsman's reports, case studies and guidance to gain insight into our casework and the Ombudsman’s jurisdiction.
Shared ownership
This key topic page explores our approach to shared ownership complaints.
Discover our reports, case studies, and guidance to gain an understanding of the Ombudsman’s jurisdiction and how landlords should effectively manage complaints from shared owners.
Service charges
This key topic page explores the Ombudsman’s approach to investigating Service charge complaints.
Discover the Ombudsman's reports, case studies and guidance to gain an understanding of the Ombudsman’s Jurisdiction and how landlords should effectively manage service charges complaints.
This key topic page shares learning from cases involving moving residents to alternative accommodation, either temporarily or permanently, due to significant repairs or their home being unfit for habitation, known as ‘decants’ by the social housing sector.
Discover the our reports, case studies and guidance to help navigate this key topic.