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Annual Report and Accounts (ARA) 2023-24 published

5 February 2025

Today we publish our 2023-24 Annual Report and Accounts (ARA). The report is an important overview of our work across the year and is laid before Parliament.

A row of cartoon houses on a bright yellow background

One of the most significant features of 2023-24 was the 107% increase in the number of investigations completed. Casework demand continued to rise from 2022-23 with overall volumes increasing by 27%. The volume of cases coming to the Ombudsman for formal investigation also increased by 60%. During the year we made 22,000 orders and recommendations (up from 6,575 in 2022-23).

The Annual Report and Accounts (ARA) 2023-24 also includes:

  • a foreword from Housing Ombudsman Richard Blakeway which outlines the new normal we are now operating within
  • a performance overview that contains a short summary of our vision, values, strategic objectives, and key activities during 2023-24
  • a performance analysis which provides a more detailed assessment against our key performance indicators and business plan deliverables under each of our 4 strategic objectives
  • accountability report
  • financial statements
  • a review of our performance against the Ombudsman Assocation’s Service Standards

Annual Report and Accounts 2023-24 (PDF)

Annual Report and Accounts 2023-24 large font (PDF)

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