Landlords can now complete the Complaint Handling Code Annual Submissions form. More information is available online.

Wider orders

What are wider orders?

The Housing Ombudsman has gained new powers to issue wider orders under the Social Housing Regulation Act, allowing us to not only address individual complaints from a landlord, but also extend fairness and protection to wider residents.

The expanded authority enables us to require landlords to go beyond the scope of individual complaints and seek to address wider issues.

As part of the new powers, we have ordered several landlords to undertake independent reviews to identify issues with policy and procedure.

2024 - 2025 wider orders issued

Sanctuary Housing independent review report

16 May 2024

Sanctuary has undertaken a review of nearly 4,000 homes following a wider order from the Housing Ombudsman.

The order for an independent review of policy and practice was made after the Ombudsman made 2 severe maladministration findings for similar issues handling leaks, damp and mould.

Sanctuary Housing independent review report (PDF) (opens in a new tab)

Orbit Group independent review report

25 April 2024

After issuing 7 severe maladministration findings, we ordered Orbit Group to undertake an independent review into the main issues.

This independent review is one of the first uses of new powers given to us as part of the Social Housing Regulation Act to order wider reviews into a landlords policy, practice and root causes of complaints.

The report includes 15 recommendations made to tackle damp and mould failings.

Orbit Group independent review report (PDF) (opens in a new tab)