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News: November 2022

A hand holding a fountain pen and about to sign a letter. Styling and small amount of grain applied.

Ombudsman writes open letter to social landlords urging renewed focus on damp and mould approach

29 November 2022

The Housing Ombudsman has today written to social landlords about complaints relating to damp and mould asking them to renew their focus on the recommendations in its Spotlight report on the topic published last year.

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Wooden boards instead of windows. Wooden boards instead of windows.

Severe maladministration for Lambeth’s lengthy delays on window repairs

22 November 2022

We found severe maladministration for the London Borough of Lambeth’s lengthy delays in repairing a window . It comes as the Ombudsman has written to the landlord expressing his concern at the high level of failure seen in our casework since issuing a special report earlier this year.

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Multiple severe maladministration findings on Johnnie Johnson Housing response and record keeping in antisocial behaviour case

10 November 2022

The Housing Ombudsman made three findings of severe maladministration for Johnnie Johnson Housing’s significant failings in responding to a resident’s complaint about antisocial behaviour, together with its record keeping and complaint handling.

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