Landlords can now complete the Complaint Handling Code Annual Submissions form. More information is available online.

Memorandum of Understanding with the Regulator of Social Housing signed

21 April 2017

The Housing Ombudsman signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Homes and Communities Agency’s Regulator of Social Housing. Setting out how the two bodies work with each other. It sets out how the Ombudsman […]

The Housing Ombudsman signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Homes and Communities Agency’s Regulator of Social Housing. Setting out how the two bodies work with each other.

It sets out how the Ombudsman informs the Regulator of potential systemic issues relating to compliance with the Regulator’s standards. It confirms how the Regulator signposts tenants or representatives, who are seeking resolution of individual complaints, to the Ombudsman.

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